The text provides for the modulation of unemployment insurance according to the economic situation, the senators added to it a measure penalizing the repeated refusals of CDI at the end of a fixed -term contract.
Le Monde
The majority of the right -wing Senate adopted Tuesday evening the bill the bill paving the way for a possible modulation of unemployment insurance according to the economic situation, after having hardened it with a measure penalizing the repeated refusals of CDI after a fixed -term contract. MPs and senators will now try to agree on a common version in joint joint committee. Scheduled over three days, the examination of this text carried by the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, was completed in a single day.
This text first plans to extend the current unemployment insurance rules, from a contested reform of the first Macron five -year term and which mature at 1 er November. It also initiates the possibility, by decree, to modulate unemployment insurance according to the job market, promise of the campaign of Emmanuel Macron.
The current system “remains constructed to respond to a concept of mass unemployment, without being sufficiently incentive when they returned to employment,” said the minister, stressing that “60 % of companies have difficulty recruiting”. This modulation mechanism is currently the subject of consultation between the government and the social partners who “should last six to eight weeks to arrive by the end of the year,” said Dussopt. The rapporteurs Frédérique Puissat (LR) and Olivier Henno (centrist) have inscribed the principle of modulation in all letters in the law, with the support of the Minister.
The ordered temporary workers to accept a permanent contract
The Minister, on the other hand, has shown himself unfavorable to another measure introduced in committee, who provides that a job seeker having refused three CDI proposals after a CDD cannot be entitled to the ‘Unemployment insurance. LR senators, including their leader Bruno Retailleau, tried to tighten this arrangement even more in the hemicycle. An amendment providing for the deprivation of compensation at the first refusal was rejected extreme accuracy.
The Senate then adopted another LR amendment aimed at excluding unemployment allocation the temporary workers who do not accept a permanent contract proposed on the position they occupy in temporary.
As for the provision assimilating “the abandonment of post” to a resignation, introduced to the assembly by amendments of the presidential majority and LR, the senators specified the applicable procedure in order to “secure” it.
The left is a wind up against a text which “stigmatizes job seekers and makes them pass for profiteers”, according to Monique Lubin (PS). The PS groups and ecologist brought their votes to a procedural motion of the CRCE group with a communist majority aimed at rejection of the bill, mention which was postponed. “Employees have lost a lot this evening,” said Cathy APOURCEAU-POLY (CRCE).
request for consultations with the social partners
“In order to restore the social partners”, the senators rewritten article 1 of the text which provides for the extension of the current unemployment insurance rules. The deadline of December 31, 2023 was brought back to August 31. This period “will have to be used to initiate consultations intended to develop unemployment insurance governance,” said Ms. Puissat. “Without a global and deep reform, the paritarism will have lived,” warned the centrist Jean-Marie Vanlerenberghe. Opposed to the rewriting of the senators, the minister recalled for his part having committed to the opening of negotiations on governance.
The senatorial right has also modified the parameters of the bonus-malus, a device which aims to limit short contracts. Were notably excluded from the system the end of temporary missions.
Another component of the bill plans to facilitate the validation of experience acquired (VAE). The senators have opened it even more and gave their green light to an experiment proposed by the government of “inverted VAE”, combining employment and training.