Ex-secretary of state responsible for vocational training in the government of cohabitation of Jacques Chirac, she was a social Gaullist, close to Philippe Séguin. She died on October 19 at the age of 86.
Social Gaullist, close to Philippe Séguin, Nicole Catala, former secretary of state in charge of vocational training, died in Paris, Wednesday, October 19, at the age of 86. Daughter of a lawyer, former president, Nicole Catala was born on February 2, 1936 in Millau (Aveyron). Licensed ès Lettres, aggregate of the Faculties of Law, she teaches at the Faculty of Law of Dakar, in Senegal, from 1962 to 1964, then to that of Dijon from 1964 to 1969, the year she became a professor at the University of Law, of economics and social sciences from Paris-II. She married on July 7, 1965 Raymond Franjou, with whom she will have a daughter – Marianne, born in 1970 – and whose divorce in 1972.
Nicole Catala joined the Rally for the Republic (RPR) in the early 1980s. In 1981, she founded with Alain Juppé and Michel Aurillac a circle of reflection, Club 89, of which she became the vice-president. She campaigned there until 1993. In September 1979, she became a member of the Economic and Social Council (until September 1984), where she will chair the work and professional relations section.
She is interested in the unions she devotes to studies. She is also the author of social works: temporary work (technical bookstores, 1972), for a company of progress and freedom (in collaboration with Michel Aurillac, Albatros, 1988), European social law (Litec, 1991), L ‘Employment of seniors (La Documentation française, 2005).
deputy mayor of Paris
Elue regional councilor RPR of Ile-de-France in March 1986, Nicole Catala was appointed on March 20, 1986 Secretary of State to the Minister of National Education, responsible for vocational training in the government of cohabitation of cohabitation of cohabitation Jacques Chirac, until May 10, 1988. She was elected on June 12, 1988, RPR deputy in 14 e arrondissement of Paris.
re-elected in March 1993, this lawyer for parity men-women in politics became vice-president of the National Assembly alongside Philippe Séguin, of which she is close, until the dissolution of April 21, 1997. In 1997, in March 1998 she replaced Pierre Mazeaud, appointed to the Constitutional Council, to the vice-president of the National Assembly. She exercises this function again from February 10, 1999 to June 18, 2002 under the chairmanship of the socialists Laurent Fabius and Raymond forni.
At the same time, Nicole Catala, still very elegant and smiling, is elected councilor of Paris (first RPR then UMP) in 1989, then re -elected in 1995 and in 2001. She is head of the list in 14 e arrondissement but it is Lionel Assouad who is elected mayor of the district. Deputy Mayor of Paris, Jacques Chirac, in charge of the computerization of services, she reaches this position again with Jean Tiberi, mayor of Paris from 1995 to 2000. She was responsible for employment, vocational training and RMI. From 1995 to 1998, she was also national secretary of RPR in charge of labor, which led her to establish contacts with unions, and she sits at the political bureau from 1995 to 2002.
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