wishing to act “strongly, radically”, the Prime Minister explained, Friday, her method and that of the government in order to decline the European Green Deal in France, while, at the same time, Emmanuel Macron announced the exit from Paris From the Treatise on the Energy Charter.
He was doing sweet, this Friday, October 21. Far too soft (more than 20 ° C) for a month of October. Elisabeth Borne knows it too much. The climate and its disturbances are essential at its agenda. Between two round trips to the assembly to deposit 49.3 in order to have its budget adopted, here it is at the Café la Recyclerie, in the 18 e district of Paris, to hold what must be the Great founding speech of the five -year term of Emmanuel Macron on ecology. The Head of State had promised him during the campaign, his second term “will be ecological or will not be”. “We are experiencing a critical period. Crises accumulate, and reminders are becoming more and more pressing,” said Matignon tenant from the start before a small assembly.
Around her, an areopage of ministers: Agnès Pannier-Runacher (energy transition), Christophe Béchu (ecological transition), Bérangère Couillard (ecology), Caroline Cayeux (communities), Roland Lescure (industry) and Olivier Klein ( City and housing), surrounded by some elected officials, representatives of non-governmental organizations responsible for the environment and representatives of civil society which must launch, that day, the National Refoundation Council (CNR) for the climate .
“Reality catches up with us harshly. We must act strong, in all areas, and with all actors. (…) It is not a question of ideology, it becomes, more and more, a question of survival “, continues M me terminal, warning:” We no longer have a minute to lose. “
” no miracle solution “
It is already late however to launch the French version of the European Green Deal, which takes, she announces, the name of “France Nation Green”. A consulting of consultants, is annoyed a familiar with Matignon who would have preferred the more sober expression of “green pact”. If an agency has worked well on this name, the teams of the Prime Minister and the General Secretariat for the Ecological Transition ensure that it is the result of “collective work”.
Whatever the logo, this project of ecological planning, which the Prime Minister is responsible, has dragged to be revealed. Almost six months have passed since the presidential election. A scorching summer has passed. Titanic forest fires have panicked the country. The European deputy Pascal Canfin, a time intended to occupy the Ministry of Ecology, warned the teams of M me bound: it would have been necessary to strike opinion at the end of August. Even if the news of the crises overwhelm Matignon, an interstice was therefore found before the All Saints holidays. A trip to the South West, a time envisaged, was finally excluded, to favor Paris. More simple. Faster.
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