If some Western European countries, such as France, have found their preparation level, those located further east have undergone a loss of life expectancy both in 2020 and 2021.
The Pandemic of Covid-19 has caused a drop in unprecedented life expectancy since the Second World War in Western Europe. in a study published Monday, October 17 The journal Nature Human Behaviour , Demographers of the Center Leverhulme for the Demographic Sciences, in Oxford (United Kingdom), and the Max-Planck Institute for Demographic Research, in Rostock (Germany), analyzed the developments in this indicator between 2019 and 2021 in twenty-seven European countries as well as in the United States and Chile.
If all countries have experienced a loss of their life expectancy during the pandemic, the trend is much more marked in the East and the center of Europe. The most marked declines are observed in Bulgaria, which loses a total of 3.5 years of life expectancy over two years, followed by Poland, with 2.8 years. On the other side of the Atlantic, the United States arrives in third position (-2.4 years, according to this study). Only Norway leaves the period with a clear increase between 2019 and 2021, with almost two months of additional life expectancy, a slight gain in particular allowed by an early vaccination campaign and a more efficient health system.
“In reality, losses of life expectancy are even stronger than what the authors of the study show because, without the COVID-19, we would have expected that the levels of life expectancy Increase everywhere in 2020 and 2021, “said Carlo Giovanni Camarda, research director at the National Institute of Demographic Studies, who did not participate in the study. In addition, many countries lack reliable data and could not be taken into account in the study, such as Brazil and Mexico. “In 2020, the losses of life expectancy suffered by [these two countries] exceeded those recorded in the United States, so that they are likely that they continued to undergo impact on mortality in 2021, and Even potentially exceeded the 43 months of loss that we estimated for Bulgaria, “explains José Manuel Aburto, of the University of Oxford, co-author of the study.
some rebounds towards levels preparedmic
Life expectancy is an instantaneous of current mortality conditions, if they were to continue without improvement or deterioration. It is calculated on the basis of all the deaths of one year, all causes combined; It therefore does not depend on the accuracy of the registration of deaths linked to the COVID-19, which can lack rigor and vary depending on the country. It thus makes it possible to give a wider image of the impact of the pandemic on mortality and facilitates comparisons between countries and with old disasters.
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