The Minister of Health, François Braun, made this announcement on Sunday on BFM-TV, after more than 4,000 caregivers in pediatrics sent an open letter to Emmanuel Macron, to denounce the saturation of hospital pediatric services.
Le Monde
The Minister of Health, François Braun, announced, Sunday, October 23, the release of 150 million euros for the “services in tension of the hospital”, in particular in pediatrics. This plan should allow “an increase in staff, provided we find it,” insisted the minister on BFM-TV , against the backdrop of the pediatric emergency services crisis.
“It is not new, unfortunately, it has been decades that the hospital has been mistreated,” reacted the Minister of Health, after more than 4,000 caregivers in pediatrics sent a letter on Friday Open to Emmanuel Macron, published by Le Parisien , to denounce the saturation Hospital pediatric services and its consequences on the health of the children concerned.
“support” of the government to caregivers
The caregivers castigate structural difficulties, including working conditions and unsuitable care, results of “irresponsible political inaction”. They also denounce “distant transfers” of children, sometimes in cities distant from “several hundred kilometers” from home.
“There is a problem and we know it,” said the Minister of Health, Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo, questioned on Saturday on franceinfo . “We are counting on solidarity between hospitals, on solidarity with city medicine and work at the opening more prolonged on the evening of medical care houses,” she said, adding to the “support” to the caregivers .