The ship, moored at platform for sixty-three days in the port of Marseille, had hosted up to 930 people fleeing the war. Associations greet the system and call to be inspired for the reception of other refugees.
Sweet for the quality of its care, the operation to receive Ukrainian refugees on the Mediterranean ferry cost the State for almost 6 million euros for sixty-three days of activity. The prefecture of Bouches-du-Rhône, interviewed by Le Monde, communicated, five months after the closing of the operation, the quantified assessment of this exceptional accommodation. A cost much higher than the amounts that the State usually devotes, per day and per person, to the reception of refugees or asylum seekers in official structures. What the associations working in the solidarity sector underline.
From March 29 to June 10, up to 930 Ukrainians, the vast majority of women and children, lived aboard the Corsica Linea ship moored in the port of Marseille. A secure device that allowed their accommodation in the cabins, but also the provision of a free daily meal service in the logbook, children’s daycare, French lessons, psychological support and medical and administrative support. A global offer that responded in an emergency to influx of more than 3,000 refugees in the Bouches-du-Rhône, completely saturating the hosting capacities of the department.
“We were faced with a massive arrival of people, in particular via the Italian border, without mastering the final number of them, or that we know how to welcome them when no capacity was no longer mobilizable in The region. We had to find an immediate solution, “recalls the prefect of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region (PACA), Christophe Mirmand, pilot of the operation. A solution that has taken the form of a rental contract with the company Corsica Linea, whose terms are now known.
A fixed part of 4 million euros was paid for the provision of this boat with 1,600 seats and its crew and the consumption of water and electricity. To this is added, does not share variable of almost 850,000 euros for, in particular, catering and laundry services. There are also the conventions spent with other associative actors working on board, including the Red Cross (415,000 euros) and the SOS Solidarité group (320,000 euros). In total, an invoice of almost 6 million euros, mainly regulated by the Ministry of the Interior. Its high cost explains, in part, that the operation has not been extended beyond June 10.
“a political will”
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