Developers group quasarapp Published the release cqtDeployer v1.6 , utilities for quick deployment C, C ++, QML applications. CQTDDEPLOYER supports the creation of DeB packets, ZIP archives and QIFW packets. The utility is a cross-platform and cross-architectural, which allows you to deploy ARM- and X86-assembly of applications under Linux or Windows. CQTDDEPLOYER assemblies are distributed in DEB, ZIP, QIFW and Snap . The code is written on C ++ and spreads under the license lgpl 3.0.
The main changes:
- transition to the assembly system CMAKE (previously used QMake).
- transition to Qt6. Added support QT 6.4
- Improved Parser QML.
- Added support for static assembly CQTDDEPLOYER to facilitate installation on ARM platforms.
- Snap versions were resolved that did not allow to fully deploy QT applications installed through the APT package manager
- The deployment of QIFW packages in Windows.
- New assembly options
- cqt_deployer_tes – disables or turns on the test tests CQTDDEPLOYER. The default is included.
- cqt_deployer_tool – disables or turns on the CQTDDEPLOYER console utility. By default, it is included.
/Media reports.