Also questioned on the possible risks of shortage of paracetamol, however denied by industrialists in the sector, the minister responsible for the territorial organization and the health professions recognized, on Saturday, “tensions but no lack of molecule of molecule paracetamol “.
Le Monde
The government is “aware of the problem” denounced in the open letter signed by thousands of caregivers who denounce the saturation of pediatric emergencies in hospitals and counts “on solidarity with city medicine”, said the Minister responsible of the territorial organization and the health professions, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Saturday October 22.
More than four thousand caregivers have signed an open letter to the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, published by Le Parisien , to denounce the saturation of hospital pediatric services. The latter, especially in Ile-de-France, are experiencing saturation linked to the bronchiolitis epidemic that is currently raging.
The caregivers castigate structural difficulties, including working conditions and unsuitable care, results of “irresponsible political inaction”. They also denounce “distant transfers” of children, sometimes in cities distant from “several hundred kilometers” from their home.
“you have to find these staff and we do not have them”
“There is a problem and we know it,” said the Minister of Health, questioned about franceinfo . “We count on solidarity between hospitals, on solidarity with city medicine and work at the opening more prolonged on the evening of medical care houses,” she said, adding to the “support” of the government to caregivers.
“The segur of health made it possible to revalue the health professions, it was a catch-up, we know that we must still work on the hospital, she conceded. The hospital is not going well for many years. “
“Open beds, yes, but with health personnel. We must find these staff and we do not have them (…). Thousands of beds have closed because we are in a model of transformation of taking into Load with the development of the outpatient (…). But we were able to show the ability to reopen beds when necessary. “
Also questioned on the possible risks of shortage of paracetamol, however denied by industrialists in the sector, the minister recognized “tensions, but no lack of paracetamol molecule”. She invited pharmacists to “limit the sale to two boxes per person” and consumers not to store medication at home.