The contenders for the respective presidencies of the two public audiovisual companies had until 5 p.m. this Friday, October 21, to apply.
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How many do they want to compete in Sibyle Veil and Marie-Christine Saragosse the presidency of their respective companies, Radio France and France Médias Monde (France 24, RFI and Monte Carlo Doualiya)? The leaders apply to their own renewal, one for a second term, the other for a third. Like their competitors, they had until Friday October 21, 5 p.m., to submit, by digital means, their application for the authority for regulating audiovisual and digital communication (Arcom, ex-CSA).
For Radio France, former journalist Maison Florent Chatain, who has passed through France 3, had expressed his desire to apply at the end of August: he was indeed manifested with the Arcom at the start week. “You have to flatten the human management of this house and replace it in labor law,” explains the fifties. Other names have circulated among audiovisual professionals, such as that of the former information director of France Télévisions Laurent Guimier, as well as that of Eric Revel, former director general of LCI and France Bleu, Regular columnist for Cyril Hanouna and CNEWS channel.
None was confirmed at this stage. For Sibyle Veil, entering Radio France in 2015 as a delegated director responsible for operations and finance, the game could be even easier than in 2018, when she had been chosen to succeed Mathieu Gallet, dismissed from her duties by the institution which had appointed him. Four years ago, the CSA received eight files (for six auditions carried out in fine), when twelve personalities had contributed in 2014, the year Mathieu Gallet had been elected unanimously.
Future hearings
From France Médias Monde, several contenders have confirmed to the world their interest in the position. Arnaud Ngatcha, director of special operations at France Télévisions and international deputy of the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, is one of them. This former LCI and France Médias Monde former was also advisor to strategy and communication with Laura Flessel, Minister of Sports of Emmanuel Macron from May 2017 to September 2018. The digital contractor Pierre-Etienne Pommier also made Affect his interest by sending his candidacy.
Founder of the start-up of educational videos Pythagora, he was project manager on the Stopcovid application, who became all anticovid, after being adviser on digital tools for the La République en Marche group in the National Assembly. At 61, journalist Sylvain Attal also believes in his chances. After Europe 1, where he worked for ten years, he was a presenter then deputy director of the editorial staff of France 24 in charge of the new media, a position he held until 2018.
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