The executive drafted, Thursday, an amendment of the 2023 finance bill proposed by the Democratic and Republican left, which aims to extend until the end of 2029 of the exemptions whose term arrived in 2025.
Thursday, October 20, the government drafted an amendment from the Democratic and Republican left (GDR, Communist) aimed at maintaining tax loopholes supporting investments overseas, a text which had been rejected in the session during the budgetary debate to The national assembly. What delight the Federation of Overseas Enterprises (FEDOM), whose President Hervé Mariton immediately praised a provision “favorable to the development of the economy”.
The text deposited by Karine Lebon, elected from the meeting member of the Finance Committee, was co -signed by 21 deputies including the 10 ultramarines of the GDR group. It aims to prolong until the end of 2029 tax exemptions whose term arrived in 2025. It is “a question of offering a stable legal and tax framework to project promoters”, explains the amendment, and “this extension seems to as much justified as the European Commission has already given the possibility of extending this system at least until 2027 “.
Tax credits on productive investments and income tax reductions to support the housing sector are concerned. The Ministry of the Economy indicates that the measures were already budgeted, and cost a total of 860 million euros per year. For 2023, the text adopted could represent a cost of 1 billion.
“Niches for the rich”
At the end of the budgetary discussion and the use of 49-3, five “ultramarine” amendments were retained. The government has extended grants to the renewal of fishing fleets in Reunion. Two texts also make it possible to continue to support the renovation of housing. Max Mathiasin and Olivier will be, liberty, independent, overseas and territories (Liot) of Guadeloupe thus, with the support of the FEDOM, enabled the continuation of a device which was to go out in 2023 to adapt the buildings ancients with seismic and cyclonic risks. “An absolute necessity,” they say, while a new overseas housing plan was decided in 2019.
In total, tax expenditure for the overseas mission will amount in 2023 to 7 billion euros in 2023, indicate the documents of Bercy, with thirty special provisions. A system deemed essential to preserve the economic fabric and the attractiveness of the overseas departments, regions and communities by their elected officials, but criticized by certain experts. For François Ecalle, of the Association Finances Publiciques et Economy, “in addition to these devices with questionable efficiency have been systematically extended for years, they are complex. Their entry ticket for individual investors is therefore important, which Make niches for the rich “. The Court of Auditors has already recommended replacing them with state subsidies, but ultramarine elected officials fear, if it was, that the Parliament or the Budget Directorate reduce the amounts over the years.