Fuel shortage: on eve of All Saints holidays, government wants to be reassuring

After the peak of fuel supply breaks last week due to the strength of the strike movement, the latter runs out of steam, but the supply of stations is still difficult.

Le Monde with AFP

In the morning, Friday, October 21, many vacationers were lining up in front of the service stations, still affected, on the eve of the holidays, by the shortages linked to the strike on oil sites of Totalenergies.

Service stations are facing major supply difficulties due to the strike movement launched on September 27 in the refineries and deposits of the Totalenergies oil group – the employees claim a salary increase in the inflation and the giant profits garnered by the company.

In an interview on Liberation Thursday, the Prime Minister assured that “the French can leave confident” on vacation, with “a return to normal in the coming days”. “The situation has been clearly improving since the start of the week,” continued Elisabeth Borne.

The government has promised on Friday that “the busiest service stations as part of vacation departures will be served as a priority”. He also asked for the end of “prefectural rationing orders” and mobilized the “Tanks of the Operational Energy Service of the Ministry of the Armed Forces” in the most tense areas, he said in A press release .

Two totaling sites still on strike

Employees with only two totalnergia sites are still on strike, including only one of the four refineries hitherto mobilized. In Gonfreville-l’Orcher, in Normandy, “the strike is renewed until October 27”, the day when Totalenergies must announce its third quarter results, “unless management contacts us before”, announced Ludovic Desplanches, elected CGT. The movement has also been renewed to the fuel deposit of Feyzin (Rhône).

After a peak last week, ruptures of petrol and diesel were reduced this week, while remaining unpublished in recent history. According to Francis Pousse, national president for fuel distributors and new energies at Mobilians, employers’ union, “there are only 14 % of stations out of diesel and 5 % out of Sans-Plomb.”

“The distribution of fuels will be much better this weekend. We still have all this day and tomorrow to continue to deliver the stations. We are on a good trend for people to go on vacation. Priority is given At the motorway stations but also in the main axes, that is to say the old nationals, “said Mr. Pousse at the microphone of Jean-Jacques Bourdin on Sud Radio Friday morning.

📢 Francis Pousse, President of the Service-Service Branch of the Mobile Syndicate “Yes, finding#petrol will be Be… https://t.co/nw8wyw65ws

– Sudradio (@Sud Radio)

According to the latest figures communicated by the government, 90 % of the stations of the Vinci Autoroutes network are supplied with petrol, and 92 % in diesel. “The continuity of service is ensured at 82 % concerning unleaded petrol, and 88 % with regard to diesel, out of the 97 service areas of highways APRR and AREA”, specify the subsidiaries of the Eiffage group.

/Media reports.