released by the deputies of her camp, the Prime Minister will have only held forty-four days at Downing Street. Exceptional instability, while the purchasing power of the British has collapsed.
The sequence has become familiar to the British. Technicians quickly install a light wooden desk in front of the 10 Downing Street, a wall of cameras is set up, the famous black varnished door opens on a manager with a serious face, who announces his departure …
In June 2016, a few days after the Voting in favor of Brexit, David Cameron had bowed down without a word of excuse. In May 2019, Theresa May had suffered a tear. More recently, on July 7, 2022, surrounded by the scandals, Boris Johnson was poorly contained his spite. This Thursday, October 20, it was the turn of Liz Truss to announce his resignation, in her somewhat robotic way, without apparent emotion. Driven by the deputies of her own camp, the Prime Minister broke a humiliating record, that of the shortest mandate in the modern history of the United Kingdom: forty-four days. Id = “x8eqq4f” Data-Provider = “Dailymotion” data -tle = “Cornered and disowned, Liz Truss resigns less than two months after his coming to power”>
Friday, October 28, the country should discover the name of its third conservative Prime Minister in three months, after an internal expeditious primary. Provided that the Tories manage to agree, which is not completely guaranteed. The training is undermined by the divisions, the lack of ideas and the absence of new heads after twelve years of government.
And the movement does not stop at 10 Downing Street. The British, who face an unprecedented purchasing power crisis – with inflation at 10.1 % in September and energy bills to several thousand sterling pounds per year – have also probably lost the account of their chancellors of L’Echiquier: We are at the fourth Minister of Finance in four months!
A budget deemed unrealistic
But what happened to British politics, to its reputation for stability and moderation, to its venerable parliament, tossed by convulsions at an accelerated pace from Brexit? “This crisis is the most serious since the end of the Second World War,” said the BBC on Thursday, historian Anthony Seldon – worse as that of Suez in 1956, a terrible humiliation that signed the end of dreams of grandeur of the country.
The mandate of Liz Truss certainly did not go under the best auspices. On September 5, day of her designation, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Boris Johnson, candidate of the Right of the Tories, had tweeted a little quickly “I am Ready to Hit the Ground [I am ready to crash]” instead From “I am Ready to Hit the Ground Running [I’m going to put myself hard in the task]”. A slip, but this dogmatic at least of state and taxes did not think so well.
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