He was sentenced to complicity of the seventeen assassinations perpetrated in January 2015. He was inflicted at first instance thirty years of imprisonment. The second accused was sentenced to thirteen years in prison for providing weapons to Amedy Coulibaly.
Le Monde with AFP
Ali Riza Polat was condemned Thursday, October 20, in the evening, on appeal to life imprisonment for complicity in the seventeen assassinations perpetrated by the Brothers Saïd and Chérif Kouachi and by Amedy Coulibaly in January 2015 at the editorial staff From the weekly Charlie Hebdo, in Montrouge and the Hyper Cache of the Porte de Vincennes, in Paris. The Special Assize Court of Paris has accompanied this sentence of a period of safety of twenty years.
The accusation had requested this maximum sentence – including twenty -two years of security on Tuesday – against Ali Riza Polat, asking the court to “protect” the society of this man with “extreme dangerousness”, still “anchored in radical Islamism “. At the statement of the verdict, Ali Riza Polat, large build in a white sweatshirt, got up and pretended to leave the box, before you get together.
In his last words at the court before the latter withdrew to deliberate, the 37-year-old Franco-Turkish had claimed his innocence one last time, repeating that he was “not a terrorist”. Grader to present himself as a thug who “loves money”, this close to the killer of the Hyper Cacher, Amedy Coulibaly, only admitted to having recovered a bag of weapons “rotten” in the summer of 2014.
The sentence of the second accused brought back to thirteen years in prison
According to him, they were not intended for attacks but for “robbery”. “If I had provided arms, I would have assumed,” he said. At first instance, in December 2020, the Court had not followed the requisitions of the prosecution and had pronounced a sentence of thirty years of imprisonment against him.
The second accused died with Mr. Polat since September 12, Amar Ramdani, 41, was sentenced to thirteen years in prison, including two thirds of security, for having provided weapons to Amedy Coulibaly. He had been inflicted on the maximum sentence, twenty years’ imprisonment, at first instance two years ago.
For three days, from January 7 to 9, 2015, the Kouachi and Amedy Coulibaly brothers had targeted freedom of expression, the police and the Jewish community, and created an electroshock in France. These attacks marked the beginning of a fatal series of jihadist attacks, with that of November 13, whose trial ended in June, and that of the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, currently tried in the same palace of justice.