Twenty-three members of the far-right group were tried for their brutal intrusion at the Marseille headquarters of SOS Méditerranée in 2018.
Twenty-three activists of the far-right group dissolved generation identity were sentenced on Thursday October 20 to sentences ranging from five months suspended prison up to a firm year. Culted in aggravated violence, the Marseille Criminal Court sanctions their violent intrusion on October 5, 2018, in the premises of SOS Méditerranée, European humanitarian association for the sea for migrants on board on makeshift boats.
The commando had expelled Manu Militari Seven Employees of the Association to tend to windows a banner: “SOS Mediterranean accomplice of human trafficking”. An “act-prop” operation, a “media happening”, they defended themselves during the debates. But for the court, “this unique scene of violence in which everyone has fully participated (…) cannot be justified by the exercise of freedom of expression, taking into account the employed means which affect integrity and freedom of others “.
Reunion violence
All are convicted of violence in meeting – with the exception of an accused for complicity after having registered the operation from outside the building – and for their participation in a group for the preparation of these Violence, what the public prosecutor, Ahmed Chafaï, had described in his indictment as “quasi-association of criminals”. This offense is demonstrated, according to the court, by the identification carried out of the premises, the organization of the grouping of the members of the commando from all over France and by the “violent project, shared by all and defined upstream”.
To set the penalties, the court was held at some criteria, explained President Cécile Pendariès: the existence of a criminal record, the greater or lesser virulence, participation in other commando actions then even that everyone had been placed under judicial supervision by the Marseille investigating judge.
Identity generation spokesperson, Romain Espino is sentenced to the heaviest pain, a year in prison, furnished in home detention under electronic surveillance. The court retains its “preponderant role” in the assault and aims at the three convictions appearing on its criminal record for violation of domicile, port prohibited of arms and rebellion. Already convicted of violence, therefore in a recurrence, Franck Dunas, a 34 -year -old Toulouse, is also inflicted for six months in prison to serve under electronic bracelet as well. Before the investigating judge, the latter had admitted to being the bearer of the banner.
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