Government of Liz Truss sinks into chaos

The resignation of the Minister of the Interior, Suella Braverman, intervenes in a deleterious climate for the British leader, more and more isolated.


Second departure in just a week. On Wednesday, October 19, British Prime Minister Liz Truss lost her interior minister Suella Braverman, five days after having dismissed her Chancellor from the Echiquier, Kwasi Kwarteng. In the evening, after Downing Street tried to force the hand of elected conservatives so that they vote in favor of the very controversial hydraulic fracturing (rock gas extraction), several media reported that Wendy Morton, the manager of the discipline of Voting in the party, also hesitated to leave – Downing Street will later say that it remains.

These evictions or hesitations to key positions of the cabinet still weakens a suspended leader, who no longer has neither authority nor political line after seeing to abandon his economic program, in order to calm the financial markets which refused its massive drops of unlikely taxes.

Suella Braverman will not be regretted by the left and all those who disavowed her reactionary and antimigration positions. This fervent Brexitus, one of the lines of the right of the Tory party, had no hard enough words against the strikers, the activists in favor climate, all the supposed Woke and other “tofu eater”. Above all, she intended to carry out a policy of drastic restriction of migration, and had even admitted “dreaming” of planes full of asylum seekers taking off for Rwanda – the Johnson government has signed a partnership so that this country of East Africa welcomes people who crossed the Channel on pneumatic boats.

The Minister confirmed her resignation in an incendiary letter recognizing “a technical violation” of the rules, after having sent an official document from her private email, while denouncing a Truss government which would have “raped promises” made to its voters , including that of “reducing migration figures”. The Prime Minister, who has repeatedly expressed against too strong migratory restrictions, has quickly replaced M Me braverman by Grant Shapps, one of the main supporters of Rishi Sunak, her unhappy opponent to Conservative primary. This recruitment has an obvious goal: trying to neutralize this skillful opponent, one of the craftsmen of the first capitulation of M me truss on her economic program – she had to give up the abolition of a range of income tax intended to promote the wealthiest.

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/Media reports.