New scandal of children placed “, on M6:” prohibited zone “again pinning childhood for childhood

Without embarrassing shades, an investigation comes up, two years later, on the dysfunctions of this public policy entrusted to the departments.


Was it essential to do so trash? The question arises at the viewing of the latest Social Childhood Aid Survey (ASE), broadcast on Sunday October 16 in the program “Zone prohibited” on M6. In almost an hour and a half, a report presents a succession of dramatic situations experienced by young people and adults, all concerned by “child protection” – which seems to be very badly named.

Prostitution in homes, mistreatment with foster family, indifference of departmental services … All the ills of this public policy, which concerns 308,000 minors and 32,160 young adults from 18 to 21 years old, are exposed to big lines. In the line of television surveys which have, in recent years, noted the numerous failures of the sector, even causing, in 2019, the return to the government of a State Secretariat for Child Protection.

The camera (often hidden) follows, for example, Camille’s sordid daily life, accommodated in a Parisian hotel, for lack of space in establishment. Without revealing anything about her career, we exhibit the discomfort of the 15 -year -old girl, stupid by drugs and who finds refuge in food -“Camille took thirty kilos in two months”, insists the voiceover -, We film her crises, the helplessness of the educators responsible for monitoring her and the indifference of her ASE referent during one of her rare visits.

shock sequence

Another shock sequence: images shot in an establishment that welcomes minors, “where young girls are prey for pimps”, warns the “infiltrated” journalist, testimony of a supporting young person. Professionals, disillusioned, are content to recall the prohibition of runaways of more than three days, under penalty of ending the care.

In another home, in Seine-Saint-Denis, where the “prohibited zone” team had filmed in 2020, the walls were repainted, a health course was installed in the garden and, unlike both Previous, young people all get up early in the morning … But it is to “do the cabbage” (surveillance for traffickers) in the city next door, quickly teaches us an educator who never ceases to repeat ‘He has, in any case, “nothing to offer them”.

It is almost with relief that the viewer will discover Aline, a radiant family assistant and rare hoping of this investigation. But it is to better oppose the dysfunctions of recruiting foster families, essential links in child protection. Their average age, subject of major concern, is part of a general context of shortage of professionals. The general sinking depicts here is not likely to arouse vocations.

Next Sunday in prohibited zone: the new scandal of children placed. A survey by Jean-Charles Doria.… Https://

– ochmeunier (@ophelie meunier)

/Media reports.