The Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, received, on Monday, the social partners at the opening of the consultation cycle on the “Contractcyclicity”. The unions have reaffirmed their disagreement, while the employers were divided on the question.
Details that do not dissipate the fog. While the bill paving the way to unemployment insurance reform was adopted in the National Assembly on Tuesday, October 11, and will be examined in the Senate, on October 25, the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, received , Monday, October 17, the social partners at the opening cycle of consultations devoted to the modulation of compensation rules according to the state of the labor market.
During a two -hour meeting, Mr. Dussopt presented to all trade union and employer organizations – with the exception of the CGT, which had announced in a press release his refusal to participate in a consultation including “the The result is constrained ” – the privileged tracks for the implementation of modulation. Despite this presentation, an impression of blur always surrounds the application criteria.
modulate the compensation rules
The government intends to go quickly: consultation must continue with bilateral meetings, before concluding with a new multilateral meeting on November 21, in order to present the arbitrations of the ministry for an application of the reform, by decree, At the beginning of 2023. Because according to the executive, it is urgent to act, while the recruitment difficulties do not decrease at the same time as the unemployment rate remains stable, around 7.5 % of the active population. It is in this context that he therefore wishes to integrate mechanisms for modulating compensation rules to make these latest incentives when the job market situation is considered favorable, and more protective when it deteriorates.
A principle of “contracyclicity”, with which union organizations have again expressed their deep disagreement. “We reminded the Minister that we are opposed to a modulation system, whatever it is,” said Michel Beaugas, Confederate Secretary of FO, after the meeting. Same story on the side of the CFDT: “We intend to discuss the merits of the reform before discussing the criteria,” said the assistant secretary of the power station, Marylise Léon. Jean-François Foucard, national secretary of the CFE-CGC said he “very skeptical that this modulation can solve the recruitment problems.” “Dark days are promising for job seekers” , launched the confederal secretary of the CFTC, Eric Courpotin.
the need to make simple
On the other hand, employers have been quite unexpectedly, divided on the issue. Michel Picon, Vice -President of the Union of Local Companies (U2P) – which represents craftsmen, liberal professions and traders – has thus mentioned “the doubts” of its organization, “in particular on the correlation between contractcyclicity and [the ] Ability to recruit more easily. It seems more important to work on training, continued Mr. Picon. The people who arrive in our small businesses are far from the level of employability we are waiting for. So we have issued a Certain number of reserves. “The Medef, through Hubert Mongon,” clearly expressed that these proposals went in the right direction to respond to recruitment problems “according to the employers’ organization; Like Jean-Michel Pottier, for the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CPME): “We register in this reflection on modulation, in a very clear way.”
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