For his last argument devoted to caricatures, the lawyer for “Charlie Hebdo” no longer chose to defend freedom of expression but to attack religion in what is most intolerant and obtuse.
It was his last argument for Charlie Hebdo, for the right to caricature and blasphemy. Lawyer Richard Malka has accompanied the satirical weekly since the first trial on the caricatures of Muhammad in 2007. Each of his pleadings was published in the form of a book and it will probably be the case for the one that He said on Monday afternoon October 17, closing the time spent on civil parties.
And for his last, Me Malka did Malka. An extraordinary argument, intended to make an impression. The Voltaire room of the Palais de Justice de la Île de la Cité, in Paris, is packed. Some of the survivors and relatives of the victims of the attacks by Charlie Hebdo, Montrouge and the Hyper Cacher de Vincennes came to attend the last days of this painful appeal trial which added to their sentence, rekindled the pain. Others, like Elisabeth Badinter or Sophia Aram, are there by conviction or to attend an expected story since the opening of the audience, September 12.
When he gets up, Richard Malka calls for Voltaire mannes, whose spirit hovers on the scene. He quotes the free philosopher thinker of the Enlightenment: “Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and the most bloodthirsty of religions having ever infected the world.” “This is how we dared to speak of religions in the 18th > century! “, He exclaims.
Because, this time, he no longer wants to plead for freedom of expression. “For fifteen years, I have said everything I had to say about freedom of expression.” “What is the point of pleading once again?” No, today he wants to tackle the root of the root of the root of Evil and not to its consequences, as is made “the diagnosis of a disease” in order to treat it for good and put an end to its effects. “What is this accused who will never appear, who is indistinctly killing Jews, atheists, Christians and Muslims?” This “accused whose name should never be pronounced, you have to look in front. He’s called Religion”.
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“It is not me who invents me a fight”, underlines the lawyer who recalls the claim of the brothers Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, “chanted three times” after their massacre at Charlie Hebdo: “We have avenged the Prophet Muhammad. “” It is the authors of these crimes that shout him, who claim it, “he adds. Their crimes are “motivated by Islam”. “I am talking about a vision of Islam, not Muslims. A dogmatic vision of which the main victims are Muslims,” he said.
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