Issue of game engine Open 3D Engine 22.10, opened by Amazon

Non-profit organization Open 3D Foundation (O3DF) introduced the release of an open game 3D- The engine Open 3D Engine 22.10 (O3DE), suitable for the development of modern AAA games and high -precision simulators capable of working in real time and ensure the quality of the cinematic level . The code is written on C ++ and published under the Apache 2.0 license. There is support Platforms linux , Windows , MacOS, iOS and Android.

The initial texts of the O3DE engine were opened in July 2021 by Amazon and were based on the code of the previously developed proprietary engine amazon lumberyard , built on the technology of the Cryengine engine licensed by Crytek in 2015. After the opening, the development of the engine is overseas the non -profit organization Open 3D Foundation, created under the auspices of Linux Foundation, in addition to Amazon to work on the project such companies are connected such companies like Epic Games, Adobe, Huawei, Microsoft, Intel and Niantic.

engine includes integrated Wednesday for the development of games, a multi-flow system of photorealistic rendering atom renderer s support vulkan, Metal and DirectX 12, extensible editor of 3D models ( Emotion FX), semi -finished products (Prefab), simulation engine in real time mode and mathematical libraries using SIMD instructions. To determine the game logic, a visual programming environment (Script canvas), as well as LUA and Python languages.

can be used.

The project is originally designed for the possibility of adaptation to its needs and has modular architecture. In total, more than 30 modules are offered in the form of individual libraries suitable for replacement, integration into third -party projects and use separately. For example, thanks to modality, developers can replace graphics render, sound system, tongue support, network stack, physical engine and any other components.

Among changes in the new version:

  • new opportunities are proposed to simplify the involvement of new participants in the work and interaction between developers team members. Added support: external projects for loading and joint access to URL projects; templates to simplify the creation of standard projects; network cache of resources for organizing joint access to processed resources; Masters for the quick creation of gem expanding.

/Media reports.