Ali Riza Polat, prosecuted for complicity of the crimes committed by Amedy Coulibaly and the Kouachi brothers, had been sentenced to thirty years in prison at first instance. Amar Ramdani, accused of “association of criminal terrorist criminals”, sees his sentence confirmed.
The public prosecutor required, Tuesday, October 18, maximum penalties, perpetuity and twenty years of imprisonment with twenty-two years and two thirds of security, for Ali Riza Polat and Amar Ramdani, respectively, the two accused held in Call for their role in the January 2015 attacks.
Ali Riza Polat is accused of complicity of the crimes committed by Amedy Coulibaly and the Brothers Saïd and Chérif Kouachi between January 7 and 9, 2015. No matter if this close to Coulibaly did not know the Kouachi brothers, explained the lawyer General Manon Brignol, his complicity extends to all the acts committed by the co -authors of terrorist attacks which acted in concert. To give rise to a condemnation, this accusation implies that Polat was aware, not only of the jihadist nature of Coulibaly, but also of his projects of violent acts, and that he carried him assistance in knowledge.
Amar Ramdani, also close to Amedy Coulibaly, is accused for his “association of criminal terrorist criminals”, an offense which does not imply that he knew the projects of his friend’s attacks but that ‘He brought her assistance by knowing his jihadist radicality, even if he did not share it.
Ali Riza Polat, 37, had been sentenced to thirty years’ imprisonment at first instance, the heaviest sentence among the eleven accused then. Before focusing on the details of the many acts of preparation accused of Polat, the general lawyer Manon Brignol tried to identify the united Polat relationship, “a little caïd who lives without the penny, in the short week”, in Coulibaly, A “radical Islamist perfectly claimed and assumed”. “There is admiration and fascination,” she said. To the point that the date of the “conversion” of Polat, born in a Turkish and not very practicing Turkish family, corresponds to the release of prison in Coulibaly, in spring 2014. At the moment when the Islamic State organization multiplies conquests and s ‘Applies to proclaim his caliphate.
POLAT, the all -to -do everything from Coulibaly
The magistrate, who insisted at length about Polat’s religious radicality, sees in this conversion “a means of being better accepted” by Coulibaly, who enjoys in the city of Grigny (Essonne) where they both grew up , “respect” for a whole “obligatory court”. Unlike Polat lawyers, for whom he is not a religious radical, the Advocate General considers that “we cannot understand the criminal acts of Polat, as of Coulibaly, that in light of their ideological commitment”.
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