Death of Lola in Paris: a suspect in chaotic life course and marked by violence

Dahbia B. had neither housing, employment, nor resources at the time of his arrest. Arrival in France in 2016 legally, it has no judicial history. Arrested last August for lack of a residence permit, she was under an obligation to leave French territory.

Le Monde with AFP

The first elements on the personality of Dahbia B., indictment and suspected of having killed Lola, a 12 -year -old schoolgirl found dead in a trunk in the 19 e district of Paris, On October 15, 2022, a chaotic life course marked by marginalization and violence reveal.

This 24-year-old woman, born in Algeria in the spring of 1998, arrived in France in 2016 legally, with a student residence permit.

Two years later, in 2018, she was the victim of domestic violence and that is how she makes herself known to the police. Dahbia B. is “unknown to the police except that it was a victim, it seems, of violence,” said Tuesday, October 18, before the National Assembly, the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti .

Arrested on August 21 at a French airport for lack of a residence permit, she is issued an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF). As it has no judicial history, it is not placed in an administrative detention center, but left free with a period of thirty days to return to Algeria.

Dahbia B., Cap Catering in pocket according to his declarations, had neither housing, employment, nor resources at the time of his arrest. Domiciled in a knowledge living in Val-de-Marne, she was hosted from time to time with her sister, who lives in the same building as the Lola family, in the 19 e district of Paris .

Aged 26 years old, she testified before the investigators of the chaotic life of her youngest. “Difficult to insert”, Dahbia B. had “night awakenings last month, during which [she] made inconsistent remarks,” said her elder.

“No empathy with regard to The victim “

During her police custody, the suspect had “fluctuating statements (…) oscillating between recognition and dispute of the facts,” the Paris prosecutor said in a statement, Laure Beccuau. After having detailed the chain of the facts until the death of Lola and his journey with the box containing his body, Dahbia B. returned to his statements in his last hearings at the criminal brigade. She explained “to have told a dream and not reality”, advancing that she “was able to defend herself in the face of an assault on the knife while indicating that she was fighting against a ghost”, according to a document consulted by the France agency -Hurry. It is “impossible for her to kill a child,” she said.

Dahbia B. “has not shown any empathy with regard to the victim,” he said in this document. “It doesn’t make me hot or cold,” she replied to investigators presenting her clichés from Lola’s body. “Me too, I was raped and I saw my parents die in front of me,” added the suspect. In this document, there is also mention of the “incredible ease in the act”.

Dahbia B. was indicted on Monday for “15-year-old murder” and “rape with torture and barbarism acts” and imprisoned at the Fresnes remand center (Val-de-Marne).

During an audience in camera on Monday before a liberty and detention judge, the young woman appeared calm and detached. She would suffer from mental disorders, but a first expertise carried out during her police custody concluded that the “imminent psychic danger” concluded and was declared able to be questioned by the investigators. In addition, it is not known to the psychiatric hospitals of Ile-de-France, according to the first checks.

During the instruction, one or more psychiatric expertise will be carried out to determine if Dahbia B. is suffering from mental disorders and if, if necessary, his discernment could be altered or abolished during his act. “This criminal irresponsibility which will be raised during the investigation is a usual procedure in criminal matters, there is no need to deduce as it is anything,” warned his lawyer, Alexandre Silva , recalling that her client benefited from the presumption of innocence.

/Media reports.