National Education: a new survey confirms discomfort of teaching profession

The investigation to victimize the autonomous secular solidarity, which measures the violence suffered by teachers, stresses that conflicts between adults increase in establishments. The distrust of the institution also progresses.


This is an investigation that highlights one of the reasons for teacher discomfort. Beyond relations with students, “we are witnessing a real collapse of the quality of relations between adults”, write researchers Eric Debarbieux and Benjamin Moignard, specialists in school violence, in a victimization survey carried out for the organization The autonomous of secular solidarity and disseminated on October 18.

On a representative sample of 8,851 national education staff – mostly administrative and health personal teachers, members of school life, AESH and management staff – researchers are that The school climate deteriorated sharply between 2013, the date of their last survey on a similar sample, and 2022, going from 37.8 % to 50 % dissatisfied. The increase in conflicts is “proven” within the teaching teams, with 40.5 % of respondents who judge that the team is “little or not united”, against 33.6 % in 2013.

Distrust is particularly strong between the teams and their management: “almost half of the personnel interviewed perceive poor quality of the teacher/directions relationship, increasing 14 points compared to the previous survey”, indicates the report. Likewise, we pass, between 2013 and 2022, from 23.5 % to 38.1 % of respondents who declare that they do not feel “respected” by their management. Concomitantly, the share of personnel saying that they are a victim of “moral harassment”, in particular on the part of the management, is in sharp increase.

lassitude of school heads

Unsurprisingly, this discomfort is also perceived by school heads and their assistants. They are 30 %, against 6 % in 2013, to “feel apprehension before taking their service”; 28 % of them, against 5 % in 2013, have a degraded relationship with school life. “Coming from a professional body which makes loyalty to the institution a cardinal value of its professional ethics, the degree of dissatisfaction measured in the directions must undoubtedly alert the public authorities on nature and the ‘Amporteur of the distrust of front -line actors, “write Eric Debarbieux and Benjamin Moignard. Dismissance is however variable according to work contexts: the principals of general and technological high schools are thus “more positive” than the assistants, the principals of vocational high schools and the main colleges.

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/Media reports.