The party leader of the moderates, craftsman of an unprecedented rapprochement of the traditional right and the nationalist camp to the legislative elections of September, brought together 176 votes for his election as head of government, and 173 against.
Le Monde
Unpublished support for the Government of the Far Right of the Democrats of Sweden (SD) allowed the Swedish conservative leader, Ulf Krissels, to be elected, Monday, October 17, Prime Minister with an absolute majority in Parliament, marking a new political era for the Nordic country.
The leader of the moderate party, craftsman of an unprecedented rapprochement of the traditional right and the nationalist camp in the legislative elections of September, brought together 176 votes for his election as head of government, and 173 against.
The vote was praised by applause on the benches of the three right-wing parties (moderate, Christian democrats, liberals) which will form the future government, and SDs, very influential first formation of the majority with 73 seats. Never in Swedish political history the extreme right has been part of a majority, against the backdrop of nationalist push in several European countries.
To become a Prime Minister, Ulf Krissels, 58, should not have an absolute majority against him. “Now the change is possible,” he said at a press conference after his election, reporting on his “humility before the tasks awaiting us”.
political agreement
After eight years from the left to power, he succeeds the head of the social democratic government, Magdalena Andersson, who ensured the transition after having resigned after the elections.
Friday, after several weeks of negotiations, Mr. KrisSson had presented a political agreement with the other three party leaders of the majority, including the boss of the SDs, Jimmie Akesson. The latter had been the big winner of the September 11 elections, with a record score of 20.5 % of the votes and the new rank of second party of Sweden, behind the outgoing social democrats.
Light of sixty-two pages, the “tidö agreement” (named after the castle where negotiations took place) describes in detail the conditions of cooperation between the conservatives, the Christians-democrats, the Liberals and SD. Not only does the agreement resume whole sections of the latter’s program, but it stipulates that nationalists will be involved at all levels in government work.
In their 62 -page roadmap presented on Friday, the four parties include measures to combat crime and reduce immigration, as well as revival of nuclear energy, which Sweden had resorbed the latter decades.
The new government, expected on Tuesday, provides, among other things, drastic cuts in Swedish reception policy of refugees, reducing the quota of 6,400 last year to 900 per year during the four years of mandate, as that the possibility of “expelling foreigners for bad behavior”.
ULF KrisSSON had made security a keystone of its electoral program alongside promises of control of energy prices disturbed by the war in Ukraine. “Crime is a very great commitment to this government,” he said on Monday, asking about the priority of his new executive. The program also plans to authorize excavations without suspicious behavior in certain sensitive districts, heavier penalties for recurrences and the possibility of testifying anonymously in justice.