Humor: Laura Felpin, taste of others

With her show “It passes” at the Théâtre des Mathurins, the actress and humorist tenderly crunches a beautiful gallery of characters inspired by her life and our daily life.


Laura Felpin has the taste of others, this ability to observe her fellow men to capture the little mania and attitudes that transform everyone into an endearing character. His humorous videos on Instagram served him as a business card, his flash pass in the program “Quotidien” on TMC of Tremplin and his appearances in the role of Annick, the hilarious Baba Cool of the TV series by Jonathan Cohen, the Torch, have become viral. Now, at 32, she chose to go on stage alone to “play others” in a stagging way while incorporating with skill key moments in her personal journey.

Far from the traditional stand-up, close to the only-in-scène trendy Florence Foresti or Vincent Dedienne who combine with ease humorous and quality of interpretation, his first spectacle won a deserved success. After a printemps with closed counters at the Comédie de Paris, the actress and humorist returns this fall to the Théâtre des Mathurins, in Paris, before going on tour.

Foresti parentage, she claims it. As a teenager, Laura Felpin devoured the cheeky interventions of her elder on television on the program “On tried everything” by Laurent Ruquier on France 2. La Bimbo Évévelée, La Châtelaine Anne-So, the politician Dominique Pipeau, etc. “I know her sketches by heart. I am a fan, I fed on her.” So when Florence Foresti called her to play a character of sports coach without filter with her during the Césars ceremony, in 2020, It was his “most beautiful moment of stage”. And the beginning of a friendship.

a benevolent judgment

The Alsatian who grew up in the suburbs of Mulhouse between a clown mother and a specialized educator father had the life drive to be fun as if to compensate for the complex of the little girl who was praising. A very young operation, fifteen years of orthoptics, funny but bulky covers, it did not want to be summarized at its strabismus. When she looks today the class photo of her 6 years, big glasses and cuts in the bowl, the one she chose for the poster of her show, she has tenderness for the little girl who was trying to be funny . “This little childhood injury is now more an advantage than a drawback.”

This light whim of the gaze partly makes the charm of this actress. He probably also taught him to make a benevolent judgment on his contemporaries. We all have our faults, our complexes, but “it goes”, as summarizes the title of his show. “Everyone does what they can to negotiate the trajectory of their life,” said Laura Felpin. By crunching a cosmetics seller, petulant chatter, a cheerfully clumsy sexagenaire on stage on stage, cheerfully clumsy with her mobile phone, a straight canyoning teacher in her boots or a falsely disillusioned influencer, the actress makes us love these “people” who resemble us so much. Without demagoguery, she gives life to others for, she says, “that it happens better between us”.

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