The secretary general of the CCP defended his resumption in hand on Sunday in a speech of almost two hours at the opening of the 20th Congress, during which he must be entrusted a third term.
Definitely, the Chinese Communist Party (PCC) is a very special political object. Xi Jinping brought new proof, Sunday, October 16, when opening, in Beijing, from the XX e Party congress. In a speech of one hour and fifty minutes, the secretary general spoke neither the war in Ukraine, nor the economic slowdown under his country, nor the unemployment of young people which reaches heights, nor the situation in the region of the region Xinjiang, where China is accused of massively interning the Ouintre minority, or even the change of constitution he achieved in 2018 to stay in power as long as he wishes. Even zero covid policy which has partially paralyzed the country for almost three years has been settled in a single sentence.
Thanks to its maintenance, “the life and health of our population were protected as much as possible and the coordination between the fight against epidemic and economic and social development obtained positive and important results”. Not a word for the tens of millions of Chinese who, all over the country, have been confined to their homes for weeks, in sometimes inhuman conditions.
Same rapid evocation of “upheavals” in Hong Kong where “order was restored” thanks to the “realization of the principle of administration of Hong Kong by the Patriotes”. “We will continue to resolutely repress the forces that seek to destabilize Hong Kong and Macao to destabilize China,” he added.
omnipréence of the party
Long digressions on the state in which the party was in before Xi Jinping took the lead in November 2012 are all the more impressive. “Party management was weakened, emptied of its content and diluted (…). Currents of erroneous ideas such as the cult of money, the search for pleasure (…) were recurrent (…). The disorder reigned over Internet. “
So many criticisms of his predecessors who have a priori in their place in an activity report devoted to the last five years but, which are essential to understand the “thought of Xi Jinping”. As a good Leninist, he deems fundamental to rigorously control the party to be able to control the country. While resulting. In less than two hours, Xi Jinping spoke of the Communist Party 142 times and socialism was entitled to 81 occurrences. This omnipresence of the party should still increase in the next five years.
of the “good side of history”
Now that the country has become “moderately prosperous”, the party must now devote itself to “the objective of the second centenary” [of the CCP]: make China a “great modern country in all areas” in 2035 And a powerful country “in the forefront of the world” in 2049. But, especially not to believe that modern rhymes with Western. On the contrary. China is on the “good side of history”, unlike “certain countries that have achieved their modernization through war, colonization and looting”.
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