Two general districts, in Germany and Poland, will make it possible to coordinate the training of 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers. France intends to concentrate its training on its territory.
two weeks behind the scheduled calendar, the member states of the European Union (EU) must establish, Monday, October 17, during a Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Union, in Luxembourg, a Mission to assist the training of Ukrainian soldiers, known as “Eumam Ukraine”. On August 30, in Prague, the 27 ministers were committed to launching this initiative. This time, they can officially announce it to the Ukrainian diplomacy chief, Dmytro Kouleba, invited to participate in the Council.
The objective is ambitious. Europe intends to form at first in its territory around 15,000 members of the Ukrainian defense forces. “Twelve thousand Ukrainians will be able to receive basic military training and 2,800 more specialized training,” says a European official. “This is an initial objective, which will be able to progress later,” said another diplomatic source in the European capital. With this proposal, the EU will be able to better complete the training and training that has already offered the United Kingdom since June, with the help of many armies in Europe, including Sweden, the Netherlands or Still Denmark.
“Pooling costs”
“Today, many member states offer training, but in a somewhat disparate manner. The mission will make it possible to better coordinate the efforts of all, by centralizing the requests of Ukraine and the supply of European countries Likewise, we will pool costs and facilitate logistics, “says a European diplomat. Concretely, all the voluntary countries, which they already offer or plan to offer training at home, can do so under one and the same banner. And “if technically, the mission will not be launched until November, adds a Brussels source, military training is already underway”.
This new tool is long awaited by Josep Borrell, the high representative of the EU, whose services already evoked the idea of a mission a few weeks before the triggering of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Monday, October 10, in front of all EU ambassadors, the European -in -chief diplomat lamented, “yes, we should have launched it” from the start of the year. “And now we realize it quickly – quickly according to European standards. This means two months. Unfortunately, the war is still in progress, our training mission will therefore be useful.”
The mission will be directed by Brussels by the military planning and conduct capacity, an organ of the EU staff which already manages the training of certain African armies in Mozambique or Somalia. Two main operational general districts will be installed in Poland and Germany. Gateway to Ukraine, Poland is already one of the obligatory crossing points transferred to the government of Volodymyr Zelensky.
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