During the first ten days of October, the number of patients with COVVI-19 in intensive care has almost been multiplied by two in the country.
In the spring of 2020, the first wave of COVID-19 had relatively spared Germany compared to most of its neighbors. The eighth, two and a half later, will it, on the contrary, more severe than elsewhere? In view of the situation in hospitals, such a scenario is not to be excluded. Thursday, October 13, Germany had twenty patients with COVVI-19 and placed in intensive care per million inhabitants, against fourteen in France and Austria, six in Italy and three in the Netherlands, according to data compiled by the our World in Data site.
Faced with these worrying figures, the list of places where the mask is compulsory could again lie down. Currently, it is only in public transport, medical offices, hospitals and retirement homes, where access is only authorized to people with an FFP2 mask. For the Federal Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach, it is no longer enough. “We are taking a bad way. But it is not too late to act. Experience has shown us that it is better to be mild restrictions taken early rather than drastic decisions imposed too late,” said -Ali declared, Friday, October 14, calling on the Lander to harden the rules in force.
enjoying a large autonomy in terms of health, the latter are not all in unison. In Berlin and Brandenburg, for example, the authorities have already announced that wearing a surgical mask could become compulsory in shops, museums and public buildings. In the Saar, a region whose incidence rate is however the highest in the country (1,460 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants over seven days, twice as much as the national average and three times more than Berlin), the government Regional does not wish to go so far: Friday, he was content to recommend the port of the mask indoors, hoping that this call for responsibility of each will prevent him from taking more restrictive measures.
Care personnel shortage
During the first ten days of October, the number of patients in intensive care because of the COVID-19 has almost been multiplied by two in Germany, which constitutes a much faster increase than that observed in most of its European neighbors. “We are already at the level of the peak of the wave of this summer, and the figures will continue to increase”, worried on Wednesday, the president of the German hospital federation (DKG), Gerald Gass. According to him, the situation is all the more worrying since the shortage of nursing staff has continued to worsen in recent months and that the number of patients hospitalized for respiratory pathologies will necessarily increase when approaching winter.
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