Sweden: three right -wing parties will form a government, with unprecedented support of extreme right

The prime minister, ULF KrisSSON, announced on Friday that the future government coalition would work in Parliament in cooperation with the extreme right of the Democrats of Sweden (SD).

Le Monde

The three parties of the Swedish right agreed to form a government, with the unprecedented support of the extreme right of the Democrats of Sweden (SD) in Parliament, announced, Friday, October 14, Ulf KrisSson , expected to become Prime Minister.

“The moderates, the Christians and democrats will form a government and cooperate with the Democrats of Sweden in the Parliament,” said the first secretary of the moderates (conservatives), at a press conference. A vote to designate him Prime Minister must take place on Monday. Mr. KrisSSON had been officially responsible for forming a government on September 19, but negotiations took more time than expected.

Arrived at the top of the right-wing parties in the September 11 elections with a record of 20.5 % of the vote, but behind the social democrats of the outgoing Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson (30.3 % of the votes), the SDs From Jimmie Akesson will become the greatest force of the new majority, with 73 seats. By adding the moderates (68 seats), the Christian Democrats (19) and the Liberals (16), the “constellation” of the lines has an absolute majority of 176 seats, against 173 for the opposition.

Never so far the Swedish right has agreed to govern with the support of SDs at the Riksdag, the Swedish monocameral parliament.

/Media reports.