NGOs Razom We Stand and Darwin Climax Coalitions want to “demonstrate the link” between the oil group and the conflict, after the revelations of the “world” and Global Witness published in August. Totalnergies denounces “outrageous” accusations.
A complaint for “complicity of war crimes” in Ukraine was filed against Totalenergies, Thursday, October 14, with the national anti -terrorist prosecution, by Ukrainian associations Razom we stand and French Darwin Climax Coalitions, according to information from the world confirmed by the complainants. The two non -governmental organizations (NGO) accuse the French group of having exploited a gas deposit used to manufacture kerosene used by Russian planes in their bombings in Ukraine, especially on the theater of Marioupol, where the attack had caused the death of around 600 people.
razom we stand and Darwin Climax Coalitions claim that Totalenergies “contributed to providing the Russian government with the means necessary for the Commission on War Crimes”. “We, Ukrainians, are bombed daily by the Russian army, declares Svitlana Romanko, director of Razom We Stand. With this complaint, we hope to demonstrate the link that exists between Totalenergies and this war.”
Contacted by Le Monde, the French group protests against accusations “outrageous and defamatory”. “Being” accomplice of war crimes “is providing direct aid to a state or a criminal organization perpetrators of the crimes, notes the group, these accusations against our company, which leads its operations in strict compliance with politics of the European Union and measures of applicable European sanctions, are particularly serious and unfounded. “
” Legal risks “
This complaint follows the revelations of the world and the NGO Global Witness published in August, according to which Totalnergies was a shareholder up to 49 % of the Termokatstvoïe gas deposit, in Siberia. The deposit produces a condensate of gas stabilized in a processing plant which itself supplies a refinery … and it is the latter which sells kerosene to the Russian air force. In particular, it supplies two military bases, in Morozovskaïa and Malchevo, which each house a squadron of multirôle combat aircraft. These units are accused by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch of having struck the Ukrainian civilian population.
“We reported in totalnergies in March 2022 the legal risks that weighed on her if she decided to continue her activities, and in particular complicities of the crimes perpetrated by the Russian regime, notes Clara Gonzales, lawyer at Greenpeace France. We support The opening of an investigation to shed light on the facts, in particular concerning the supply of fuels to the Russian Air Force. “
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