Available The production of the project Fheroes2 0.9.20, which recreates the Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine from zero . The project code is written on C ++ and is distributed under the license gplv2. To launch the game, files with game resources are required that can be obtained, for example, from the demo version of Heroes of Might and Magic II or from the original game.
Main changes:
- Added the ability to generate the text on the buttons for all languages.
- Fixed a significant number of problems and errors in AI
- Added new AI behavior algorithms on the adventure map.
- In the debug version of the engine, a special mode is implemented, which allows you to observe all the actions of AI to track errors.
- The interface added new icon icons “Froaming”.
- Added the missing multiplayer mechanics “Fors” (restrictions for the player), including for solitary mode.
- Corrected over 30 errors.

/Media reports.