Olivier Véran confirmed, Wednesday, October 12, that the Council of Ministers had just authorized the government to activate the system which makes it possible to have texts adopt in the absence of a majority in the National Assembly.
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One more step towards the inevitable. Two hours before the start of the examination of the finance bill (PLF) in the National Assembly on Wednesday, October 12, the deputies learned from the voice of the government spokesperson that 49.3 was now officially on the table . At midday, Olivier Véran confirmed from the Elysée that the Council of Ministers had just authorized the Government to activate this constitutional system which makes it possible to have texts adopt in the absence of a majority, “if the situation should demand that we use it “.
After this first essential step, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, can therefore intervene at any time in the hemicycle of the Palais-Bourbon to interrupt discussions on the budget and bring the responsibility of her government. >
As soon as discussions are opened on the PLF on Wednesday, the news awaited the fear of opposition to see these budgetary discussions suddenly shortened. “How long do you leave the parliamentary debate and the irremediable is certain?” Asked the leader of socialist deputies, Boris Vallaud. Denouncing this “sword of Damocles” hovering above the debates, the elected official from Landes put forward “the reasonable number” of amendments – or 3,300 – deposited by the deputies to warn the government that it “would not be Reasonable to plead a parliamentary “to justify a use of 49.3.
In the majority, each is watching for the stagnation of debates
“We will take the necessary time,” reassured the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire before warning that the government has “instruments” which allow it, “when the debate is exhausted, (…) to guarantee to the French people that he will have a budget for 2023 “.
The executive strategy is gradually revealed since the opening of the budgetary marath in Parliament. Not wishing to undergo the image of “brutality” attached to the use of 49.3, the government reiterated, Wednesday, its will to “bring the discussions”. But in the majority, everyone lies at the moment when the debates could get bogged down with the adoption by the oppositions of many amendments deemed too expensive.
Especially since the government has been stuck in a social movement which has paralyzed refineries for ten days, and this, as approaching “march against expensive life and climate inaction” organized on Sunday 16 October by the new Ecological and Social People’s Popular Union (Nuts).
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