Increase in secularism damaged at school

The increase, since the second half, mainly concerns the wearing of religious signs and outfits, in particular the abayas and the Qamis.


The Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, warned ten days ago: reports of damage to secularism in establishments are increasing. Investigations in the second quarter and in September 2022, which are made public this Thursday, come to attest.

In September, 313 facts of damage to the principle of secularism were identified by directors and school heads, half of which in six academies (Créteil, Toulouse, Nice, Versailles, Normandie, Paris) . Four out of five are the fact of students and, new, half has taken place in high schools. The college concentrated the reports until then. This monthly statement is unprecedented, it was quarterly before. Pap Ndiaye announced in June wanting to display these lifts each month, “for more transparency”, at the risk of focusing media attention on these questions.

If these monthly figures are therefore not comparable to the previous ones, they come to confirm the trend to increase the damage to secularism “identified throughout the 2021-2022 school year.

From April to June, 904 reports went back to the Ministry of National Education, against 636 in the first quarter. Or an increase of more than 40 % of the facts. During the quarter which followed the death of Samuel Paty, in 2020, the number of facts reported had jumped at 1,335 cases. Since then, these figures had not reached this level. However, they are to be compared with 12 million students and nearly 1 million national education staff who frequent educational establishments every day.

More than the number, it is the nature of the reported reports that challenge. In September, more than half of the facts reported (54 %) concern the wearing of signs and religious outfits, and in particular the Abayas (long-based Middle Eastern traditions, worn above other clothes) and the Qamis ( long tunics for men). The phenomenon appears in communes and establishments hitherto not concerned and the recurrence of the facts “can contribute here or there to the deterioration of the school climate”. The wearing of signs and litigious outfits increases by 300 % between the 2021-2022 school year and the previous one. This “reflects a profound modification of the forms taken by the damage to secularism observed in schools and establishments”, underlines the synthesis devoted to the facts between April and June.

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/Media reports.