Faced with a resurgence of cholera, the Haitian government has requested the “immediate deployment” of international armed forces in the country. A request welcomed by the United Nations, but which arouses many fears within the population.
A military intervention under the aegis of the United Nations as the final salvation board for Haiti: it is the wish formulated by Antonio Guterres in order to overcome the serious security crisis which has paralyzed, for several months, this country now confronted with a cholera resurgence. In a statement, the UN Secretary General called on Sunday, October 9, “the international community, including members of the Security Council, to urgently examine the Haitian government to deploy an international specialized armed force “.
Saying “extremely concerned about the situation”, Mr. Guterres gave, on Sunday, to the UN Security Council “a letter presenting options for reinforced security support in Haiti”, pending the next Meeting of the Security Council dedicated to the crisis in the Caribbean country, scheduled for October 21.
Since the Haitian authorities confirmed, on October 2, the reappearance of cholera in the country, the epidemic is gaining ground. Monday, October 10, the Ministry of Health listed 224 suspicious cases, 189 hospitalizations and 16 deaths due to the Bacille Vibrio Cholerae between the 1
This new calamity illustrates the worsening of the political, economic and security crisis that Haiti has been going through for a year and a half and which prompted the government to call the international community to the rescue: Friday, October 7, in a resolution adopted in Council of Ministers, Ariel Henry, the head of the Haitian executive, asked for the support of his “international partners” for the “immediate deployment of a specialized armed force, in sufficient quantity, to stop, on the whole extent of territory, the humanitarian crisis caused, among other things, by insecurity resulting from the criminal actions of armed gangs and their sponsors “.
These surarmed bands, which have been law in the country for several months, besiege oil terminals and aggravate the recurring fuel shortages that the country faces. Thus, since September 12, access to the Varreux terminal, where 70 % of the country’s petroleum products are stored, has been blocked by the G9 Fanmi e Alye coalition. Result: there is no longer any fuel to circulate or to operate the generators. Hospitals are running down, when they are not forced to completely cease their activity.
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