Mentor of many tenors of the bar including the current Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, Me Jean-Louis Pelletier was notably the lawyer of Jacques Mesrine, Philippe Maurice or even “Francis Le Belge”.
Le Monde
The criminal lawyer and great figure of the bar e Jean-Louis Pelletier died at 86 years old, learned Le Monde Tuesday October 11 after information from the association of criminal lawyers ( Adapt), of which he was one of the founders.
“immense penalty, Lord of the Assizes, he was of a generosity and a delicious approach for young colleagues”, writes the association in a tweet.
Mentor of many tenors of the bar including the current Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, M e Jean-Louis Pelletier was notably the lawyer of Jacques Mesrine, of Philippe Maurice or Still “Francis le Belge”.
a Aix-en-Provence where he started, M e Jean-Louis Pelletier experienced twice death penalty and twice obtained presidential pardon for convicts, from convicts, from convicts, from convicted of General de Gaulle in 1965 and François Mitterrand in 1981.