“My father who ignites dancefloor on Lady Gaga, I was not ready”: dance, fatal weapon of parents

In the hope of encouraging their children to obey them, we often hear parents threatening them to confiscate their smartphone, switch or any device that connects. However, they have a much more effective weapon than they do not think enough to use: threatening them to dance, preferably in public. A friend even manages to make his daughter do his duties by promising her that, if they are not finished, he will come and wait for him at the exit of his high school on his head and healed on the sidewalk. Whether they are preado, teenagers or young adults, children hate seeing their fathers and mothers dance. The only exceptions, the round to the CP and the waltz on the wedding day of their offspring, and again. It is well known, parents’ bodies must, such as phones nine keys, stay hidden. It would even seem that the word “embarrassment” was invented by a kid must have attended this show.

What we recognize them

They can’t help but duck in the supermarket or when they hear their favorite music. They wiggle their headquarters in the shoe shop while their kids try sneakers. At the time when birthday snacks became boys, they think that getting marched will encourage young guests to do the same and are surprised to harvest only scratches. They thought they were reducing the age difference by moving their bodies and discovering that dance reveals generation differences. They wise the same way on all music. They like to look in weddings how we dance in October 2022. Their offspring put themselves on the other side of the track by turning their backs.

how they speak

Children: “Stop, please stop …” “Everyone looks at you …” “If you continue, I’m leaving here.” “You are pathetic. I am ashamed.” ” They remained blocked in 2003. “” It ends me. “” I don’t have the words. “” If my daron dances at a wedding I tear it away. “” I will have seen everything. “” My father who ignite the dancefloor on Lady Gaga, I was not ready. “” Mine, it’s worse. “” You were supposed to come and get me, you didn’t have to dance. “” I can’t wait to Be 40 to dance like a Daron and hide the fact that I have no skills. “

Parents: “I took my daughter to a rock concert, when I started dancing, I felt that the show was more on her mother than on stage and I started to slow down.” “Why, when it is the Finnish Prime Minister who dances, they find that good and not when it is we?” “I self -censored at the wedding of my son when I wanted to make a paquito.” ” My daughters imitate me as if they were tribal dances. “” The only thing I have the right to dance with them is the caterpillar and again, at the end of the evening, when everyone is Broose. “” You have to last long enough, there is a time when you become old enough for it to tender them. “

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/Media reports.