Parrot 5.1 distribution production with a selection of security verification programs

Available Distribution release Parrot 5.1 , based on the DEBIAN 11 package base and including a selection of tools to check the security of systems, conduct forensic analysis and reverse engineering. To download offered several ISO images with the MATE environment designed for everyday use, safety testing, installation on Raspberry Pi 4 and creation of specialized installations, For example, for use in cloud environment.

Parrot distribution is positioned as a portable laboratory with an environment for security experts and forensics, the main attention is paid to the means to check the cloud systems and devices of the Internet. The composition also includes cryptographic tools and programs for secure exit to the network, including TOR, I2P, Annsurf, GPG, TCCF, ZULUCRYPT, VERACRYPT, TREECRYPT and LUKS.

In the new issue:

  • Linux nucleus is updated to version 5.18 (it was 5.16).
  • The images for launching in Docker containers are processed.’s own register of images has been commissioned, which can be used in addition to the default All images are now supplied in the form of multiarch and support AMD64 and ARM64 architectures
  • Updated packages and backports, new versions of Go 1.19 and Libreoffice 7.4 are proposed.
  • Firefox profile has been amended, aimed at strengthening confidentiality and security. The functions associated with sending telemetry in Mozilla are disabled. The collection of bookmarks is processed. Duckduckgo service is involved as a search engine by default.
  • Many specialized utilities were updated, including Rizin and Rizin-Cutter inhibiting tools, Metasploit and Exploitdb packages.
  • Updated tools for ensuring anonymity Anonsurf 4.0, redirecting all traffic via Tor without a separate proxy setting.
  • Improved support for Raspberry Pi, including Wi-Fi support for the RASPBERRY PI 400 model.
/Media reports.