In the midst of an epidemic recovery, the compulsory port of the mask in certain places made again debate.
In full eighth wave of COVID-19, with 51,800 new contaminations per day, up 24 % compared to the previous week, the words of Brigitte Autran, the president of the new monitoring and anticipation committee of the anticipation of the anticipation of health risks (Covars), did not go unnoticed. Questioned Tuesday, October 4, on RMC, on a possible return of the port of the compulsory mask in certain places, the immunologist replied: “The Covars studies this point with different models. All European countries, the United States, the ‘North America also study this point. “
“Yes, it is under study, confirms a few hours later the Minister of Health, François Braun, on RTL. Recommend the mask to our fellow citizens when they are in somewhat crowded places, C ‘ It is completely normal that it is in the current reflections of this council. “But the government seems above all to bet on the wisdom of the French. “I want to trust the French, I want [they] to resume barriers,” said the minister. While adding: “My role is to protect our fellow citizens and to protect the most fragile. So, I do not forbid anything.”
“I would like to restore the truth about my words, would like to specify Brigitte Autran, solicited by Le Monde. Yes, we must wear the mask now that the epidemic goes up. On the other hand, the obligation of wearing the mask, We will think about it if the epidemic becomes out of control or if a very alarming variant arrives. For the time being, it is not topical. We have weapons to fight this epidemic, like masks and vaccines. Provided, of course, to use them. “
” impose the port of the mask “
The whole issue is there. “If we recommend a measure, it is because we judge it useful, notes Mahmoud Zureik, professor of epidemiology and public health at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin (Yvelines). Or in transport in transport in transport Common, less than 10 % of people wear a mask. “A loss of luck for these people and those in front of them.
Mask carriers are even “less than 5 % in long train journeys, adds Antoine Flahault, director of the Global Health Institute in Geneva. We see that the only recommendation of the experts shows its limits. Politicians must sometimes go up to the niche. “
In the context of an epidemic recovery, “imposing the wearing of the mask in certain places (transport, closed and poorly ventilated places …) would be a return to reason, says Mahmoud Zureik. All the more as with the Arrival of the bad season, the population will live more in closed places and that this measure would also reduce the dissemination of the flu and other respiratory viruses. “A significant benefit, capable of lightening pressure on a hospital and a system of already very tired health.
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