Decided, Thursday, October 6, by the social partners who manage the Agirc-Arrco regime, the increase will apply from November.
Private sector retirees can take out the calculator. Their additional pension will be revalued by 5.12 % from November. The amount of the increase was arrested, Thursday, October 6, during a board of directors of AGIRC -Arrco – the joint body co -managed by the social partners who pay the service. The percentage – unusual with its two decimals after the comma – is very slightly higher than that which had been mentioned, a eighth days ago, after the meeting of one of the diet instances (+ 5.1 %).
In a period when the cost of living is racing, the decision made Thursday was eagerly awaited. Some 13.2 million people are affected, knowing that the Agirc -Arrco pension represents between 30 % and 60 % of their total retirement, depending on the case – the proportion being stronger for those who were managers during their professional life. The increase granted is substantial, especially if it is compared to that of 2021 (+ 1 %). But at the time, inflationary tensions were a little less strong. For 2022, the government rely on a price index increase of 5.3 %, the forecasts being lower for 2023 (+ 4.2 %).
Revaluation was approved by all the social partners, except for the CGT, which abstained because it claimed more (+ 6.2 %) in order to compensate for the loss of purchasing power suffered since several years. To achieve this result, employers and employees organizations have changed the rules that supervise pensions, in order to be a little more generous compared to what they could have granted at the start.
“No one is ready”
This is “very good news,” praised the CFDT on Thursday in a statement. A lower increase “would not have been acceptable,” said FO, referring to the regime’s situation, which is largely surplus and holds very large financial reserves (just over 60 billion euros). During a press conference, Didier Weckner, the chairman (MEDEF) of the board of directors, explained that it was a balanced arbitration, likely to meet the expectations of retirees without jeopardizing the accounts of Agirc-Arrco.
The managers of the system have also returned to a topical subject which is unworthy: the transfer of the collection of contributions to the URSSAF network. Initially scheduled for early 2022, the operation had been postponed by the government. He has just decided that it will be carried out in two stages: from early 2023 for companies with more than 250 people and the following year with regard to the others.
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