PgAdmin 4 7.0 Launches, Manages PostgreSQL DBMS

Database management system PostgreSQL has released the latest version of its graphic interface, pgAdmin 4 7.0. The application was rewritten from scratch in Python and JavaScript languages and utilises a built-in framework that can expand its capabilities by connecting modules that support third-party superstructures over PostgreSQL. The code is available under the free PostgreSQL license, which is similar to those of BSD and MIT.

The new version includes numerous features, including an automatic opening of the editing form when adding a new line for primary and external keys, as well as the restrictions of Unique and Exclude. It also adds the ability to mount a joint storage in server mode, the option to create restrictions “Unique Nulls Not Distinct”, and the possibility of deploying PostgreSQL servers in Google Cloud.

Additionally, the update has added support for the Biganimal v3 API and a transition from the PSYCOPG2 library to psycopg3. The release has also discontinued the use of bootstrap and jquery, instead updating versions of SQLALCHEMY and FLASK-SQLALCHEMY.

The full release notes can be found on the pgAdmin website, and the code can be found on GitHub under a PostgreSQL license.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.