The release of the specialized distribution of Tails 5.12 (The Amnesic Incognito Live System) has been announced, which is designed for anonymous exit to the network based on the Debian package base. Tails provides an anonymous exit via the Tor system, and all connections except traffic via the Tor network are blocked by the default packet filter. Encryption is used to store user data in the mode of conservation of user data between launches. The ISO image for download, capable of working in live mode, is prepared and has a size of 1 GB.
The new version includes various upgrades such as:
- A button for deleting previously stored data has been added to the interface for turning on/disconnecting a permanent storage (Persistent Storage).
- An output with an example of a high-quality, randomly generated password has been ensured when creating a permanent storage.
- The Tor Browser has been updated to version 12.0.5 (although it has not been officially announced by the Tor project).
- The Linux nucleus has been updated to version 6.1.20 with improved support for graphic maps, Wi-Fi, and other equipment.
- A new icon has been proposed for backing up the permanent storage.
- The errors displayed with problems with the activation of the permanent storage have been improved.
- The user is now given the opportunity to try to turn off and re-turn on the constant storage or delete the data available in it in the settings for problems with the activation of a permanent storage.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.