The KDE project has presented the consolidated application update (23.04) named KDE Gear in April 2021. The update includes releases of 546 programs, libraries, and plugins. Earlier, the consolidated set of KDE applications was published under the name KDE Apps and KDE Applications. The LIVE Greenhouses is updated with new applications, and users can obtain the information regarding the same on this page.

The latest update includes several new features such as:
- KDE Gear now includes a set of mobile applications called Plasma Mobile Gear.
- The new release incorporates the Tokodon application with the client’s implementation to the decentralized microblogging platform Mastodon. The version offers support for sending surveys to subscribers, view previous messages while writing a response, implements a separate post search page, and enables users to set up the work through proxies before connecting to an account and viewing applications for subscriptions.
- The update includes Audiotube application that provides an interface for listening to music with YouTube Music. It offers features such as searching for music, sending links to other users, creating playback lists, and generating recommendations based on commonly listened compositions and playback history.
- NeoChat, the messaging program using the MATRIX protocol, is updated with improvements in interface design, navigation from the keyboard, and video management buttons. The new release offers team “/knock” to knock on someone else’s chat, allows editing past messages at the place without opening individual dialogs.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.