Manjaro Linux 22.1 Released

The release of Manjaro Linux 22.1, based on Arch Linux and targeting beginner users, has recently taken place. It is notable for its simplified and user-friendly installation process, which supports automatic equipment detection and installation of necessary drivers. The Live assembly is supplied with graphic circles KDE, Gnome, and XFCE, each with a size of 3.9 GB, 3.8 GB, and 3.8 GB, respectively. The community has also developed assemblies with budgie, cinnamon, deepin, lxde, lxqt, mate, and i3.

To manage the repositories in Manjaro, developers use their own Boxit tools designed in the GIT image. The repository is maintained on the principle of rolling updates, whilst new versions undergo an additional stage of stabilization. It also supports the use of Aur (arch user repository). The distribution comes with a graphic installer and a graphic interface for system setup.

The main features of the release include delivering XFCE 4.18 in the main version of the distribution, along with editors based on GNOME updated before the release of GNOME 43.5. The system state menu’s remedied appearance offers a block with buttons for the rapid change of the most commonly used settings. The appearance of the appearance has supported the creation of its dynamic wallpaper. The release also adds the Gradency application to configure the design topic.

For KDE-based editors, updates to KDE Plasma 5.27 and KDE Gear 22.12 are available. Users are offered three packages with the Linux nucleus for loading: 6.1, 5.10, and 5.15. Additionally, the Pamac package manager is updated until 10.5.

All in all, the release of Manjaro Linux 22.1 offers a feature-packed and beginner-friendly way of accessing the Arch Linux environment.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.