KaOS 2023.04 Released

KaOS 2023.04, a Linux distribution that offers a desktop based on fresh issues of KDE and QT applications, has been released. The distribution comes with various design features, including a vertical panel on the right side of the screen. KaOS develops with an eye on Arch Linux but has its own independent repository, which has over 1,500 packages and offers a number of its own graphic utilities. Additionally, the distribution uses the XFS file system by default.

The KaOS 2023.04 release includes updated versions of desktop components, such as KDE Plasma 5.27.4, KDE Frameworks 5.105, and KDE Gear 12.12.2, as well as QT 5.15.9 with the KDE project. It also features an ISO-image separately formed for testing experimental branch components, based on which the release of KDE Plasma 6 will be made.

Other updates in KaOS 2023.04 include various package updates, such as Linux 6.2.11, OpenSSL 3.0.8, Clang/LLVM 16.0.1, and Python 3.10.11. The distribution also includes Signal Desktop and Tokodon, a client for the decentralized microblogging platform Mastodon. In addition, KaOS 2023.04 involves Systemd-boot-boot for loading on systems with UEFI, and ISOWRITER allows for checking the correctness of recorded images.

KaOS 2023.04 features LibreOffice 6.2, assembled with KF5 and QT5 VC plugins, which will use native KDE and QT dialogs, buttons, and widgets as the office package. The distribution also includes an entrance screen to the Croeso system that provides main tinctures that may need to be changed after installation, allows for installing applications, and shows information about the distribution and system.

Overall, KaOS 2023.04 brings in several updates and features and includes a number of useful functionalities that make it an interesting option for Linux users. It is available for download in assemblies for systems x86_64.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.