Lighttpd 1.4.71 Server Has HTTP Issue

Lighttpd 1.4.71, a lightweight HTTP server, has recently been released, according to a blog post published on their official website. The server aims to combine high performance, safety, compliance with standards, and flexibility of configuration. It is designed for use on highly loaded systems while consuming low CPU memory and resources. The project code is written in the language of SI and spreads under the BSD license.

The new version of Lighttpd has transitioned from the HTTP/2 main implementation server to a separate module called Mod_H2. This new implementation can be disabled if there is no need to support HTTP/2.

The lightweight server continues to provide users with superior performance and flexibility. Developers can use Lighttpd 1.4.71 on highly loaded systems while keeping the CPU memory and resources consumption low.

The developers behind Lighttpd have been working hard to provide a server that is fast, secure, and reliable. With this new update, the users of Lighttpd can expect a stable and efficient server that is compliant with the latest standards and is highly configurable.

The Lighttpd project is available on Github and can be accessed through the link Developers and users alike can explore the code and contribute to the open-source project.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.