Pg_probackup 2.5.12 and 2.6.2 backups updated

Postgres Professional has released an update to its utility tool, pg_probackup for backup copying and restoration of DBMSs and Postgres Pro. The tool also controls the archive of backup copies and supports various backup strategies. These include incremental and complete backups, merger of different tanks, deduplication and compression of backup copies, automatic verification of saved data, state of active databases, cleaning outdated archives, performing work in several flows, partial restoration, and the use of Standby servers to reduce load during rush copies. The project code is written on Python and is distributed under the postgreql license.

The PG_PROBACKUP development team supports the publicly accessible PG_PROBACUP 2.5 and the corporate PG_PROBACPUP 2.6 at the same time, with both versions receiving new functionality updates. Cloud Protocol S3 cloud protocol support will soon be added for corporate customers.

Changes in PG_PROBACKUP 2.6.2 for the DBMS Postgres Pro Standard and Enterprise include new optimization for incremental reserve copies that reduce the volume of reading from the disk by almost 2 times. The tool now works better with recovery on PITR and displays the recovery time in the output of the show. The Catchup command is also included for the Production-mode, and an erroneous indication of the relative path is eliminated after restoring the cluster from backup. The correction of incorrect purpose identifiers of backups in some cases is also added.

In addition, PG_PROBACKUP 2.6.2 Enterprise is now stable in its backup and merge command for tabular spaces with CFS compression. The tool provides improved compatibility with the CFS compression mechanism available solely in the Postgres Pro Enterprise DBMS. Starting with version 2.6, pg_probackup now supports all data compression algorithms supported by the relevant edition and version of the Postgres Pro DBMS.

For users of the DBMS PostgreSQL, support for 22.04 has been added in the public version of PG_PROBACKUP 2.5.12. Also, messages of conclusions of various teams have been improved and enhanced.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.