Published Issue Lazyvim 5, developing the superstructure over the text editor neovim, which turns it into a full integrated application development environment. For the formation of expanded functionality, the plug-in manager lazy.nvim and a set of intended additions in LUA is used.
Lazyvim provides a environment ready to work, combining the optimal settings of default settings with the presence of a simple user interface to change the configuration to their taste. The project code is written in Lua and spreads under the license Apache 2.0.
For the formation of the interface and expanded capabilities of Lazyvim, several dozen plugins are involved. These include:
- luasnip – the engine for working with standard code templates
- neo-tree – file manager
- nvim-spectre – search panel
- telescope – search system
- git-integration gitsigns
- vim-illeminateate – lighting systems
- nvim-treesitter – todo navigator in the comments
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