Pentagon Sponsors AI to Teach Good Manners

Israeli scientists from the University of Ben-Gurion found out that artificial intelligence is able to analyze texts and determine Violations of social norms by their authors. This became possible thanks to the use of GPT -3 – a large language model created by Openai. It is just that it is able to automate the creation and analysis of content.

Researchers also applied the data analysis method, known as the classification of the text with a zero shot (allows the model to classify the text in the category that were not known for training). The essence of the project was described as follows: “Although social norms and their violations have been studied many times in psychology, the automatic definition of social norms and their violations is an open task that may be extremely important for a number of projects … This is an open task, because at first We need to determine the characteristics/signals/variables indicating a violation … for example, the appearance at work in a state of intoxication and unsightly form is a violation of the social norm for most working people. However, to “teach” the machine or computer understand what is unacceptable is far from being Simple task “.

Of course, the laws of ethics differ depending on the cultural characteristics and place of human residence, but, according to researchers, the reaction to deviant behavior is similar in different cultures. “Social norms are culturally specific and cover numerous unspoken” rules “, but the emotional reaction of others, laid down in us with evolution, may be much more general,” the report says.

As a result, it turned out that the best strategy for identifying social disorders is focusing on a limited set of emotions such as wine and shame. The role of AI is to recognize when a user of a mobile device may feel guilty for his actions.

The project was funded by Darpa (Pentagon promising defense research agency). The organization supports many scientific developments in the hope of finding the following effective tool for the American military industry.

Why exactly Darpa is interested in studying violations of social norms is not entirely clear.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.