Quantum Memory Breakthrough Enables Faster Information Transmission
Source: Phys.org
Engineers and IT specialists have been striving to develop large-scale quantum networks compatible with fiber-optic communication lines. Quantum memory plays a critical role in achieving high-quality communication, quick data transfer, and efficient calculations. Until now, recreating such networks on a large scale has proven challenging.
However, a recent breakthrough described in an article by Science Advances, led by Xuein Zhang, offers a promising solution. The researchers have developed a method to achieve multimode storage of a single photon on a chip using laser-written technology. This advancement is expected to significantly enhance the speed of information transmission compared to single-mode storage commonly used in current quantum communication channels.
The storage device utilized in this breakthrough is based on lithium doped with erbia ions, which is integrated with telecom-range fiber-optic components. This integration paves the way for the creation of quantum networks based on integrated photon schemes.
Zhang and his colleagues designed a waveguide specifically tailored to single-mode fibers, ensuring compatibility with fiber-optic connections. On the chip, a quantum memory system utilizing an atomic-frequency comb with a width of 4 GHz was implemented.
In their experiments on multimode storage, pairs of photons were generated using a single laser pulse in the Volnnoglovy of Niobat Lithuania. For single-mode storage, a single laser pulse was employed.
To create an atomic-frequency ridge, erbia ions were introduced in a periodic structure with a 5 MHz teeth interval.
This breakthrough demonstrates a novel approach to storing non-classical light with a significantly larger temporal bandwidth. The scientists achieved quantum memory on a chip with a storage time of up to 200 nanoseconds.
The findings of this experiment hold tremendous potential