A new stable version of the note for storing notes outwiker 3.2 has been released. This program allows users to store notes in the form of catalogs with text files. Users can attach an unlimited number of files to each note and write notes using various notations such as HTML, Vika, and Markdown (with the corresponding plugin installed). Outwiker also offers plugins to add features such as placing formulas using Latex and inserting code blocks with coloring keywords for different programming languages. The program is written in Python with its interface based on WXPYTHON. It is distributed under the GPLV3 license and is available for Linux (SNAP and FLATPAK) and Windows operating systems.

Changes in version 3.2:
- Added the ability to create folders in attached files.
- Added the possibility of switching to invested folders on the panel of attached files.
- Added the ability to insert links to files in invested attached folders.
- The color of links to absent extended files was added to the color of links on the Wikranstnitsa.
- Added a search feature to the viewing mode.
- Added support for nested folders in Wikikomand (: include :).
- Added highlighting for Vikikommanda in the editor.
- Improved the design of the dialog with information on rewriting attached files.
- Improved execution of links to attached files and other pages.
- Added the Subdir parameter for Wikikomanda (: Attachlist :).
- Improved the design of the work of Wikikomand (: Childlist 🙂 and (:: attachlist :).
- New CSS classes are added to the HTML code.
- Added the ability to display hidden folders on the panel with investments.
- Added settings for the behavior of the “Cut” and “Close” buttons.
- Information about the selected attached files is displayed on the status panel.
- Added the ability to set the style of list element markers on the
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.