Scientists from Chicago University have made a groundbreaking discovery in quantum science, providing the first evidence of a phenomenon known as “Quantum superchmy.” The discovery has the potential to revolutionize chemical reactions and enable unprecedented control over reactions, opening up new possibilities for quantum calculations.
At the quantum level, matter exhibits extraordinary properties, such as atoms being able to exist in multiple states simultaneously, instant information exchange regardless of distance, and the ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable barriers. Researchers worldwide are harnessing these unique phenomena to develop innovative technologies.
The focal point of the study was the investigation of the Bose-Einstein condensate, a state in which a cloud of atoms is cooled to near absolute zero, resulting in all atoms entering the same quantum state and behaving as one large atom.
“We no longer view chemical reactions as random collisions of particles, but rather as a collective process in which all atoms react as a unified entity,” noted the researchers.
During their experiments, the scientists cooled cesium atoms to extreme temperatures and brought them to the same quantum state. As predicted by the theory of quantum superkhimia, the atoms appeared to form molecules.
This process differs significantly from traditional chemistry. Since all atoms act collectively, the reactions proceed much faster, particularly when more atoms are involved in the system. The team observed that all resulting molecules were in the same state, which is beneficial for producing large quantities of identical molecules.
The researchers also observed a peculiar phenomenon during the process – the occurrence of three-body interactions was more frequent than two-body interactions. In other words, three atoms would collide, with two forming a molecule while the third atom facilitated the process in some way.
This discovery has the potential to advance the fields of quantum chemistry, quantum calculations, and the study of the laws of physics. While previous superkhemia experiments have been limited to double molecules, the team plans to extend their research to incorporate more complex molecules.